Brief History of Sex Toys

Brief History of Sex Toys

Sex toys have come a long way, baby! From early dildos made of stone to the latest high-tech vibrators, the history of sex toys is a wild and wonderful ride. So, grab your lube and get ready to take a trip down memory lane.

Let's start at the beginning, shall we? The earliest known sex toy is a stone dildo, dating back to around 26,000 BC. That's right, even prehistoric humans knew a good thing when they saw it. However, these early dildos were probably used for spiritual or ceremonial purposes rather than for pleasure.

Fast forward a few thousand years to ancient Egypt, where the pharaohs were all about their sex toys. They had a variety of dildos and other toys made from materials like wood, leather, and even gold. These toys were not only used for pleasure but also for medical purposes, such as treating "hysteria" in women.

Next, we have the Greeks and Romans, who were also big fans of sex toys. They had dildos made of various materials like leather and metal, as well as the famous "olisbos" which were dildos that had a curved end for G-spot stimulation. The Romans also had a device called "fascinum" which was an amulet worn around the neck to ward off evil spirits and enhance sexual potency.

Moving on to the Middle Ages, sex toys were not as prevalent. However, there is evidence of "tenting" poles, which were used by women to simulate intercourse while their husbands were away. These poles were inserted into the vagina and held in place with a belt.

During the Renaissance period, sex toys became more artistic and ornate. They were made of materials like ivory and glass and were often decorated with intricate designs. However, they were still quite expensive and only available to the wealthy.

In the 19th century, the first rubber dildos were invented. These were mass-produced and made sex toys more accessible to the general population. However, they were still considered taboo and were often sold discreetly in "marital aid" shops.

The 20th century saw the rise of the electric vibrator, which was originally marketed as a medical device to treat "hysteria" in women. However, it wasn't long before people realized the true potential of these powerful little machines. And thus, the golden age of sex toys was born!

Today, sex toys come in all shapes and sizes, from the classic rabbit vibrator to the latest high-tech sex robots. You can even control your toys with your phone or have them sync to your favorite music. The possibilities are endless!

In conclusion, the history of sex toys is a long and storied one, filled with dildos made of stone, gold-plated vibrators, and even poles for "tenting." Sex toys have come a long way, and the future looks even brighter. So, whether you're a history buff or just looking for a good laugh, the story of sex toys is sure to delight and entertain.

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